Seven-year-old Svante Svantesson, who goes by the nickname Lilebror, lives in a large, friendly and loving family. Despite this, Lilebror sometimes feels terribly lonely and neglected. Everything changes when a fat little man with a propelller on his back flies into Lilebror's room. Karlsson, as this strange person is known, is vain, selfish, greedy and gluttonous. But these unpleasant qualities don't keep him and Lilebror from becoming friends. For Karlsson is also charming, energetic and always up for games, pranks and adventures like going for a walk on the roof, belittling the maid or catching criminals.
The show is based on the first two books in Astrid Lindgren's famous trilogy about how there's nothing worse than loneliness, nothing better than friendship and nothing more important than mutual understanding.
Galina Byzgu and the acting duo of Andrei Emelyanov and Georgi Voronin were both awarded at the XXV Theatres of St. Petersburg for Children Festival.
The show participated in the Children's Weekend of the Golden Mask Festival (Moscow, 2016).
Premiered 21 December 2014. Duration: 2 hour and 15 minutes with one interval. Recommended for audiences 6 and up.
PRODUCTION TEAM: Director – Galina Byzgu Assistant Director – Fyodor Klimov Production Designer – Natalya Druzhkova Music – Andrei Didik, Maxim Studenovsky Choreographer – Nikolai Kuglyant Light – Dmitri Albul, Fyodor Sokolov Stage Managers – Svetlana Povalyaeva, Alyona Parshina