The St. Petersburg Masterskaya Theatre Repertoire

The Master and Margarita

Mikhail Bulgakov
A Performance of an Incomplete Novel in 4 Acts, 2 Shows, 155 Characters and 28 performers

Director – Grigory Kozlov
Directing Team – Grigory Serebryany, Galina Byzgu, Marina Damineva, Vera Latysheva

First Evening
Part 1 – Vanya Bezdomny
Part 2 – The Master

Second Evening
Part 3 – Moscow and Unclean Spirits
Part 4 – Margarita
Every generation of actors at the Masterskaya Theatre has its own great novel. The Idiot, And Quiet Flows the Don… and now The Master and Margarita. Kozlov’s current batch of students, currently in their fourth and final year at the Russian State Institute of Performing Arts, are for the first time taking the stage in order to, over the course of two evenings, present one of the greatest Russian novels of the 20th century.

The Master and Margarita is a story about love and fear ruling the world. About those who put minds and souls into a whirlwind. About artists and poets. About a ruler who betrays one such person, and about a woman who renounces everything to save another one.


  • Designer – Nikolai Slobodyanik
  • Costume Designer – Maria Lukka
  • Video – Alexander Malyshev, Fyodor Sokolov
  • Music Selection – Vladimir Bychkovsky
  • Choreographer – Yuri Vasilkov
  • Light Designer – Dmitri Albul
  • Sound Engineer – Maria Belova
  • Vocal Coaches – Grigory Uglov, Taisiya Kalinchenko
  • Choirmaster – Grigory Uglov
  • Speech Coaches – Alla Zimina, Lyubov Alfyorova
  • Stage Managers – Alyona Parshina, Svetlana Povalyaeva
  • The production includes music by Alfred Schnittke and Anton Gorchakov